Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Psalm 139:17

“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” (NASB)


“How precious (yaqar: prized, esteemed, costly, valuable) also are Your thoughts (rea`: purposes) to me, O God! How vast (`atsam: increased, mighty, strong, numerous) is the sum of them!”


How esteemed and prized also are Your purposes to me, O God! How mighty and numerous is the sum of them!


Do you value the thoughts and purposes of God as you would your most prized possessions? Are His ways and plans for your life of utmost importance? We must understand that His ways, His thoughts for us are innumerable. He formed and fashioned each of our days before time even began. Today, strive to hear and know the thoughts of the Father. Know what He is saying and what He is doing in this hour. See the immeasurable value in His thoughts and purposes.

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