Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Proverbs 12:4

“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband.” (NASB)


“An excellent (chayil: valiant, strong, virtuous) wife is the crown of her husband.”


An excellent, valiant, strong and virtuous wife is the crown of her husband.


I have been blessed with a wife that loves me without boundaries. She encourages me and accepts me, but above all else, she sees the Christ within me. We are inseparable and more in love with each and every day. I still discover new attributes that she possesses, even after twelve years of constant interaction with her. In our relationship, I see my Husband. I see how He longs to meet my every need and know me as intimately as I will allow Him. My friend, we are His crown. We are to be committed to Him and never even allow our eyes to wander to any other. Today, fall deeper in love with your earthly wife, should you have one, and open up all that you are to your Husband, Jesus, The Christ.

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